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  1. Training Workshop

Are you a teacher/ Parent or a fresher who wants to start your career in the field of education? or want to become the ‘Amir khan’ of ‘Tare zameen par’ in your school by understanding each and every child in the classroom?

Then you cant afford to miss this. VIBGYOREYS and Babysteps academy bring to you the worldclass workshop on ‘Becoming the best teacher in the world without a teacher training course’

While the teacher training courses teach you content of wht you should teach, here is a 3 day workshop that will teach you the ‘how you should teach’, especially to the ones with learning disorders and autism.

Here’s what this 3 day onterractive workshop will cover

Day 1: Introduction to Learning disabilities
Day 2: Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorder
Day 3: Inclusive education and its application to classrooms

Dates: 8, 9 & 10 of April 2021.
Time: 6 to 7 PM
Venue: Online

Price: 3000 INR per head

Early bird offer at 2500 INR by 31st March 2021

Bonus: Certificate and Expert Curated Material

For more info write to or

